The man who worked with Robert Redford when making the movie, The Horse Whisper. Buck Brannaman, who recovered from years of child abuse to become a well-known expert in the interactions between horses and people. He now works to help SRA survivors and others who have suffered abuse. God Bless him. As a lover and owner of horses for many years I can attest, the bond between horse and humans can be therapeutic and magical. I know. I have included this and the site that features people like him helping others over come physical and mental traumas using Horses. Visit to learn about these wonderful folks who provide help and support to many.
to learn more. Click on the link to view a short video about this wonderful person.
Some may ask, What is SRA?
Satanic ritual abuse ( SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) is the subject of a moral panic (often referred to as the Satanic Panic) that originated in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persists today.